5 Jewels for New Beginnings
Happy New Year, loves! The start of a new calendar year brings so many new blessings, opportunities and goals that can help you to create a wonderful year ahead. Here are our top 5 Boho-Magic jewels that can assist you with creating a magical new year.
The new calendar year can be thought of as a threshold that we walk through. When we step through this threshold, we are at the beginning of a new path. During this time it’s common to think about our goals and wishes for the journey ahead and the things that can assist us as we walk this new path.
When heading into a new beginning, it’s great to get clear on our intentions moving forward. And, did you know that jewelry can help us manifest our intentions? Whether we are wanting to attract abundance, new opportunities, good health, a new job, or anything that can create a positive shift, jewelry can assist and support us on that journey.
For instance, a ring with an empowering message can bring daily reminders about your worth and abilities. Plus, gemstones have metaphysical abilities that can support and amplify your intentions! Pretty cool, huh! beautiful jewelry, and gemstones, don’t just look good, but they can do good too!
When it comes to gemstones and crystals, there are hundreds of different types of stones out there with unique characteristics. For example, clear quartz is called ‘the master healer’ because it can amplify any and all intentions. It’s a perfect stone for someone on a budget who is looking for broad spiritual and/or metaphysical assistance. At Boho-Magic we have a selection of jewels made with specific gemstones that can create positive shifts that can help you live a life that you love.
Let’s explore 5 different types of jewels from Boho-Magic that can assist you as you step into the new year:
1. Citrine Jewels
Citrine is the ultimate stone of abundance and prosperity. It is especially coveted for its ability to amplify intentions for financial prosperity, but it can also lend a hand with any of your manifestations. Wear citrine or even adorn your home with it to allow it’s magic to start flowing through your life and uplifting your intentions and goals.
Citrine is also considered a stone of success! It’s energy aims to assist you with whatever your goals are. It’s bright yellow color reflects the power of the sun, which amplifies and charges our positive goals.
For more wisdom on citrine, check out this blog here.
2. Moonstone and Moon Phase Jewels
Any jewel that invokes the moon can help us stay in sync with our natural cycles and rhythms which helps us flow more easily and adapt to our ever-changing environments. We love to wear moonstone and moon phase jewels during times of transition because the moon is a magical reminder that we are not alone in our changing cycles.
Additionally, the new year begins a new cycle. So wearing jewelry that reflects the ever-changing nature of cycles can be a beautiful remind that we are never alone in our transitions and that opportunities to begin anew are always available to us!
3. Black Tourmaline Jewels
Black tourmaline is known as the spiritual protector of gemstones. When worn, black tourmaline can create an energetic shield around you to protect you from unwanted interactions and experiences. This is a great stone to wear if you are deeply focused on a specific goal. It can not only shield you from anything negative or unwanted that could get in the way of your goals, but it can help strengthen your focus and clarity along the way too.
Black tourmaline is a great stone for a new beginning where focus and concentration is required!
4. Spinner Rings
Another jewel that can aid in focus and concentration is the spinner ring! It’s fidget mechanism is proven to assist with creating changes in focus and habits. If you’re the type of person who has a wondering mind or who has habits that can get in the way of completing goals, then a spinner ring might be able to assist you with refocusing your attention.
Our most empowering spinner ring is adorned with phrases like "I am Worthy" and "I am powerful." It's one of our best sellers because you guys love how it makes you feel ready to take on anything!
To learn more about what our customers love about spinner rings, read this article.
5. Green Aventurine Jewels
Green aventurine is a stone of good luck. While many green stones are considered to bring good fortune, such as turquoise and green onyx, this stone hits a little different. Green aventurine specifically works to attract new opportunities and possibilities which makes it a fantastic stone for the beginning of a new year or a new venture.
Green aventurine’s positivity is undeniable and it puts a pep in our step as we look for new doors to walk through and set new intentions for our path ahead.
We are wishing you a magical new year ahead full of possibilities and magic! If you’re looking for even more empowering jewelry, check out our gift guide here.
Additionally, if you're looking for some new year journal prompts then check out our blog from last year as it could serve you this year!
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