Gift Guide: 5 Rings for Propserity
Wearing jewelry can help us tell our unique stories, but it can also help serve a purpose. Rings with gemstones carry the metaphysical properties of that stone, meaning your jewels aren’t just pretty things to look at! Let’s explore 5 rings with gemstones that can help to attract prosperity and abundance into your life.
Gemstones have many magical abilities that can help to create positive shifts in our lives. One of these abilities is attracting and creating prosperity. Gemstones such as citrine, turquoise and green onyx are not only beautiful but they can assist us with embracing gratitude and allowing abundance, of all kind, to flow freely into our lives. In addition to gemstones, intentional symbolism within a ring design can also assist in attracting abundance.
Just a reminder that when seeking to attract anything, setting an intention can really help you out. If there is something specific that you are wanting to call in, speak it into existence and do speak it consistently. When creating your intention consider wording it as if it's something you already have; this helps shift your own personal frequency into a magnet for what you are attracting. For example, maybe every time you slide your ring onto your finger you think of a mantra such as “My bank account is growing every day. I have $5000 extra dollars in my bank account.”
Let’s explore 5 Boho-Magic rings and their meanings that have the ability to assist you in attracting all that you desire:
1. Citrine Teardrop Ring
Citrine is a stone as bright as the sun! This gemstone symbolizes the suns energy as well as the solar plexus chakra which is our place of personal power. This stone can help energize us as we identify our goals and purpose and work towards these things. Citrine is a great stone to surround yourself with if you are looking to grow your wealth and bring in more happiness.
To learn more about citrine, check out this article!
2. Green Onyx Leaves Ring
Green Onyx is a powerful stone that is deeply connected to financial prosperity as well as the heart chakra. Green onyx can also help us with discipline and warding off negative energy. These two things can greatly impact the way prosperity flows into our lives. As well, when the heart chakra is being tended too it opens our heart and makes us feel safe to be open to receiving.
3. Oyster Copper Turquoise Ring
Turquoise is a stone that brings good fortune, healing and success. When worn, this stone can help us heal our abundance blocks and create opportunities that successfully bring in abundance. Additionally, this specific stone has authentic oyster shells which can bring in the energy of the ocean and its ability to ebb and flow just like abundance.
To learn more about turquoise check out our blog on the magic of this stone!
4. Empowering Spinner Ring
This sterling silver spinner ring is engraved with the affirmation statement, "I am powerful, worthy, enough, loved and safe." Wearing this ring brings a daily reminder that you are enough and as you begin trusting in your worth, you will attract all that you deserve and desire.
For more rings that can empower you, check out this gift guide.
Tiger's eye is a stone that helps us put ideas into action. Whether we have goals we are working towards or a to-do list to tackle, the energy of tiger's eye can promote forward movement. Working on our goals and taking actions towards change is a sure fire way to bring in more of what you desire!

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